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Mission Statement


The purpose for which the corporation exists shall be to secure snowmobile trails and develop such trails over public, leased and privately owned lands.


This corporation shall promote snowmobiling as the great family sport it is through a speakers bureau, a safety program, effective self policing and through informational meetings with non-snowmobilers.


This corporation shall develop a program for snowmobilers to install among them a respect and understanding of rights and problems of the private landowner and the public in general.


All members of this Association must have reciprocal trail agreements with all members regardless of the location or connection.

About Us

The Waukesha County Snowmobile Association (WCSA) is an organization of 17 concerned snowmobile clubs whose aim is to serve the needs of snowmobiling in Waukesha County. By uniting, the clubs have a stronger voice with city, county, and state government over issues concerning our sport. 


While WCSA does support a private club trail network for its members, the Association also maintains public state funded trails in Waukesha County. The WCSA is working towards bringing more state trails to the county. To date there are nearly 100 miles of state funded trails in Waukesha County; trails funded by the snowmobilers' share of the gas tax revenue. Funded trails are groomed frequently, weather permitting, with three Tucker Snow Cats operated by Association volunteers. In short, without WCSA, there would be no state funded trails in Waukesha County.


The Association also produces a map of the private and state funded trails in the county. This map is made available to members within WCSA clubs and the advertisers on the map. 


The clubs in WCSA also promote the safety of the sport and are involved in the community.  Many of WCSA’s clubs hold safety classes for those at least 12-years-old on up, but are open to adults. Aside from the local clubs participating in community events, WCSA and its clubs also support the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department with Search and Rescue Teams for winter emergencies.


All clubs in WCSA and their members belong to the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC), an organization of over 600 snowmobile clubs with over 41,000 members throughout the state which work towards maintaining 25,000 miles of funded trails in Wisconsin. Through the AWSC snowmobilers have had a voice in Madison to lobby for legislation concerning our sport. Without active snowmobilers in such organizations as WCSA and AWSC, the sport of snowmobiling in Wisconsin as we know it would not exist.


All snowmobilers are invited to join one of the clubs in Waukesha County that are shown on this website. Come share the fun and camaraderie that exists only in a snowmobile club. For without these clubs and their active members, there would be no trails. For more information concerning the clubs in WCSA, please refer to the listings in this brochure or call one of the officers below.

United we trail! Divided we fail!
WCSA Officers

            President                Brent Riemer

            Vice-President        Bridgette Shelley

            Treasurer                Lauren Castle

            Secretary                Miranda Gietzel


Trails                         Harold Butschke

Trail Map Chair        Bridgette Shelley

Annual Raffle           Andy Slaby

Scholarship              Dione Schultz

Youth                         Andy Slaby


PR & Tech                 Mark Grobarchik, David Groszczyk

AWSC Representatives

AWSC Director        Karen Jeras                

AWSC Rep                Andy Slaby                

Waukesha County Snowmobile Association
N68 W23775 Donna Dr.
Sussex, WI 53089


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